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朱月波:四下unit8 story

发布时间:2021/7/3 18:02:00 作者:朱月波 浏览量:1961次

四下 Unit8 How are you(朱月波)

一、教学内容:译林版小学英语四下Unit8 How are youStory time


   1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇hear take care may

   2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇fever tomorrow

   3.能听懂、会说、会读问候语How are youI’m fine, thank you.电话用语与Hello,this is ... speaking.May I speak to ...?句型:I'm sorry to hear that.See you tomorrow.






Step1.Warming up

1、Free talk

THello,boys and girls.


T:Nice to meet you!

S:Nice to meet you!

Talk about me according to the pictures.

You like/ have/ can ...

2、Enjoy an English song: How are you?

3、What did you hear in the song?

TeachHow are you? Im fine./ Not so good

揭示课题:Unit8 How are you

(设计意图:渗透How are you? 揭示课题


1. T: How are you?
SsI’m fine, thank you. And you

   TIm fine,too. We are all fine. Thats great!

      But, how is Yang Ling? Is she fine?



2Watch and answer

Q1: Whats the matter with Yang Ling?

Q2: Can Yang Ling come to school today?


Teach: cold, fever

3Try to actWhats the matter? I have a cold and a fever.

4Listen and say

T: Yang Ling cant come to school. So, she calls Miss Li and asks for a leave.



教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.出示tips

THow to say this wordeat”引导学生说“speak”“speaking


教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.(快慢操练)

教:May I speak to Miss Li?

THow to say this word day?引导学生说“may”教:May I speak to Miss Li? (男女生练)

TLets read after it.Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.May I speak to Miss Li?Hello,this is Miss Li speaking.Hello,Miss Li.This is Yang Ling .   

5、Read and underline

T:When Miss Li hears Yang Ling is illwhat does she say?

I'm sorry to hear that.”(教)THow to say this wordear”“hear”?引出here(设计意图:由已学的同音词引出新单词。)

TLets read after it?(从HelloMiss Li.Thank you,Miss Li.)生生操练


6、Guess and act

  TMiss Li cares Yang Ling so the second callMiss Li greets Yang Ling on the phone.

  What do they say?

  Guess and act

7、Listen and answer: How is Yang Ling now?


THow do you know that?

S:How are you now? Im fine.

8Read and circle

T:Yang Ling is fine now, when can she come to school?


9Read and act (choose one picture)

Step3 Consolidation

1、read and complete

 Yang Ling is fine in the afternoon. So, she wrote a massage on We-chat Moments. Complete the massage for her.

2、Try to guess

 Under her massage, her friends reply her. What do they say? Guess!

3Make a telephone call

TWe know Yang Ling is fine. Su Hai calls her in the evening. When she knows that Yang Ling is fine, she is very happy. She invites Yang Ling to go to the park after school tomorrow. But she doesnt know how to make a telephone call. Can we help her?

 (1)How to make a telephone call?

 出示课文对话2,归纳结构:Step1: 确认彼此是谁,Step2: 打招呼,Step3: 说正事,Step4:说再见。

2Make a telephone call between Su Hai and Yang Ling.


 Step 4 Homework

1Listen , read and act the story.

2. Make a telephone call with your friends.


板书设计:四下 Unit8 How are you

                       Hello,this is ... Speaking.

                       May I speak to ...?

  a cold and a fever                                            fine

  cant come to school today                             can come to school tomorrow

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